Meet a Healthcare Hero: Daniel


Meet Daniel! He's an upbeat and hardworking Nurse from New Jersey, and he's one of our Healthcare Heroes!


We wanted to know more about Daniel, so we asked him to share some things about himself. Keep scrolling to learn all about him!


Question: What do you love about your profession?


Answer: "I love assisting patients get back to their normal health and seeing them improve."







Question: Tell us something about yourself!


Answer: "Dancing, singing and working out are my hobbies!"











Question: How do you relax after a long day of work?


Answer: "I like to spend time with my family, or grab cocktails with my wife or my best friends."









Question: What do you love about Dr. Segal's Compression Socks?


Answer: "I love the energy it gives me me throughout my 12 hour shifts, and the style!"











To learn more about Daniel, follow him on Instagram @murse_liga.d.


Are you a Healthcare Hero, or do you know any Healthcare Heroes? Sign up here to be featured on our social media, and for a chance to win a pair of our Everyday Compression Socks!